Technical Training & Certifications
Everything that you dreamt of can be brought to life. Join us!
What are you here for?
If you landed here, there is a high chance that you are looking for what it takes to learn technical skills in a safe manner. Let's be completely honest with each other, most of you are just looking for the certificates. That's fine with me because once you join the training, you will realise that the training is more valuable than the certificate itself. You can read the students' testimonials to see for yourself.

For now, click on the tab "The Pathway" above to see the various options available.
How to navigate this page
Make sure, you read through all four tabs above. Then, as you scroll down, there will be four additional sections.

  1. In the first part, you will see the courses offered, followed by the gear list.
  2. After that, there will be a section of testimonials from past students.
  3. Thirdly, there will be a list of all courses, even those not on offer at the moment.
  4. Lastly, there will be a form to subscribe so that we can email you when the next set of courses are running.
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Courses on Offer
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Personal Equipment needed for each course
The table below shows the minimum equipment each participant needs to have on the below courses.
Equipment List
Intro to Rigging
Sport Climbing Helmet
Sport Climbing Harness
Karabiner x 1
Figure of 8 Descender
Belay Device (NO assisted braking devices such as gri gri)
Prussik Cord x 4:
  1. Main Prussik Length: (2 x Distance from chest to forehead) + 92cm
  2. Backup Prussik Length: (2 x Distance from chest to nose) + 92cm
  3. Foot Prussik Length: (2 x Distance from belly button to foot) + 92cm
  4. French Auto Block: 120cm
Extra Karabiner x 6 (Recommended to have at least 2 of them as HMS type Karabiner also known as pear shaped Karabiners)
Personal Safety Lanyard (3.5m)
  1. 120cm Sling
  2. 180cm Sling
  3. 240cm Sling
Testimonials for SNCS 1
Testimonials for SNAS 1
Testimonials for SNAS 2
Testimonials for Intro to Rigging Course
Full Course Portfolio
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Sign up to be notified when the next courses will be running
When you click subscribe, the website will give you a successful prompt. You WILL NOT receive any confirmation email. However, trust that we have received your information and we will email you once the next run of courses are available
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